Tuesday, December 7, 2010


suddenly fell like want to reactivate this blog again

let me update some status about myself

now study at UM, accounting

still satisfied with everything i have
(while sometimes really fell tired)

holdings three projects from UMAC (UM Accounting Club)
Two projects from 9th College (where am i staying now)
always be a busy and talkative person for everyone

always hopes that i can go back to my KT house
or sleep for the whole day
or eat non-stopping until bloated??
or play play and play

the reality was always opposite from the hopes,
kinda disappointed?
no, i won't...

i keep believing,
hard works will come with full harvest?

thats me, always have like two characters inside myself (i am not crazy),
just sometimes( or always) will think too much...

written by,

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