Thursday, December 9, 2010


just realise that i always want to post blog when i am emo-ing

or when i am
    1. depressed
    2. gloomy
    3. moody
    4. wistful
    5. blue
    6. down
    7. morose
    8. glum
    9. melancholy
    10. hypochondriac
    11. low-spirited
    12. dejected
    13. melancholic
    14. low
    15. sulky
    16. hag-ridden
    17. lugubrious
    18. downhearted
    19. crestfallen
    20. downcast
    21. mirthless

what can i do?
Libra always have many friends
but only few(or none) of them
really have the the true friends to hear their words and hearts.

i can make you laugh in a second,
but when you laugh do I really happy?
make people laugh is easy, make self laugh is difficult,
my face is laughing,
does my heart happy too?

p/s: maybe i have to ask laughing 哥...

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